Hope has unveiled an early prototype of its second ever bike, the HB.130, at Core Bike 2019. N.B. … Here’s what he learned about this new UK-manufactured bike. There’s apparently £15,000 of alloy and a week’s machine time in each, all done in-house. Registered in England and Wales. La Hope Hb.160 si pedala bene considerato il fatto che abbiamo ben 160 mm di escursione a disposizione. Grazie alla produzione 100% in Europa, la cura in ogni dettaglio delle lavorazioni al CNC è ai massimi livelli. Stupisce la rigidità del carro con perno passante da 17 mm e battuta da 130 mm, e come dicevamo la solidità dell’avantreno. As the name suggests, it’s a 130mm travel trail bike and rolls on 29in hoops. Perno passante da 17 mm e distanziali con appoggio da 25 mm che regalano un’incredibile rigidità al carro. Dabei seit 23. Fermer . And more importantly, with just as little regard for market demands. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Youtube RSS. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ciao, mi chiamo Stefano Chiri e quello che più mi piace è stare in sella ad una due ruote, ancora di più se è una bici. Hope tech hb 160, carbon frame, hope bars and hope stem, hope rims with hope hubs, yellow rear spring shock, ohlins 160mm forks, hope crank and pedals, hope tech brakes. Hope Technology is a leading manufacturer of almost every part of a bicycle including hubs, brakes, headset, stems, bottom brackets and lights, all except a full bike until 2018 when Hope revealed their first, long-awaited, bike – the HB.160. Hope has lowered the seat tube due to feedback received. 29er trail bike with 130mm travel Learn More. Di sicuro questa forcella enfatizza il carattere aggressivo del telaio. These bikes, now dubbed the HB.160, will only be sold through 11 U.K. dealers at launch. Traduzioni aggiuntive: Inglese: Italiano: hope n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. It also means going straight against the big players at the top end with that price tag too. – Posizionamento ammortizzatore: 10 Poiché i prodotti Hope, sono realizzati utilizzando i processi che la maggior parte delle aziende utilizza solo per produrre i loro primi prototipi, cioè lavorati a CNC, realizzare gli stampi non è stato difficile. Il reggisella telescopico RockShox Reverb Stealth II ha una corsa da 150 mm e ciò, abbinato al tubo piantone da 44 cm di lunghezza, permette al reggisella di essere completamente infilato con un’altezza di sella pari a circa 70 cm. Frame Carbon/Composite. Rated 5 di 5 di tintin da super cassette Montée sur roue Hope moyeu pro4 en 10-48 avec dérailleur sram gx 11v chape longue, passage de vitesses très bon et étagement excellent. Mi piace la guida, arrivare al mio limite e trovarlo in tutto quello che ho modo di provare. The unusual radial brake support uses a motorbike style mount and spacing each side of the caliper equally to adapt to bigger rotors, rather than specific adaptors. – Cura costruttiva: 9 Read our full Privacy Policy as well as Terms & Conditions. In questo frangente riesce a essere comunque sempre molto efficace. Tel:01433 621111 info@18bikes.co.uk … The World's biggest biking photo gallery of photos like, crashes, north shore. Hope Technology is a leading manufacturer of almost every part of a bicycle including hubs, brakes, headset, stems, bottom brackets and lights, all except a full bike until 2018 when Hope revealed their first, long-awaited, bike – the HB.160. Theft Description Stolen from outside pub in view of the window, went to the bar, when I sat down the bike had gone. Tel: +44 (0) 1282 851400 La Hope Hb.160 ha un costo di 7599€ con ammortizzatore Fox Float X2 , e considerata la produzione 100% Made in Uk sono riusciti a rimanere concorrenziali. Large. Hope HB130 need to know. Besuchen Sie uns auch auf unseren ande The narrower rear end really was a thing too; it does slink through tighter gaps and pointy edges better for a not-insignificant advantage. In terms of shape, the HB160 is available in four sizes. Not just making another copycat product for a first bike is impressive, and the bloody-mindedness and the passion that’s gone into the HB160 is written all over it, and, ultimately, worthy of respect. Chiudono l’allestimento di questa Hope Hb.160 i cerchi (sempre Hope) larghi ben 35 mm che trasmettono una precisione di guida e un comfort sui tratti più scassati veramente notevole e il manubrio in carbonio da 780 mm realizzato grazie all’avvio della nuova catena di produzione del carbonio. Certamente non è la migliore soluzione per la compatibilità, ma quando realizzi ogni parte in casa puoi permetterti qualcosa in più rispetto ad una produzione in grande serie. 1 … Wechsle zu Seite. Hope Technology / HB.160. Subscribe to our free newsletter and stay up-to-date with the latest from Bike Magazine Sign Up. Organisch. It’s designed as a tough, durable mountain bike for a bit of everything, and results from a long journey for the brand. – Assetto in sella: 9 Doch dieser Name steht nun auch für etwas neues, für eine Evolution in der Entwicklung, die Ausnutzung der Fräskunst um die Verarbeitung vor Ort auf ein neues Level zu heben, Carbon aus Großbritannien. Hope mechanic Doddy set up the sag, slapped a 35mm stem on and I took it up the hill. Medium. Kaufe jetzt Fahrradteile und Fahrradzubehör von Hope bequem und sicher im Online Shop von bike-components. Brand: Hope. Size: Large. If you have to ask how much, this bike probably isn’t for you. Hope Technology (IPCO) Ltd. Oct 25, 2018 - The Hope HB.160. After one day on lifts, the HB160 left a solid impression, but the front tyre went missing on blown out dust a couple of times, and I still hadn’t totally synced with the bars and front wheel being closer than normal. The heavily machined stays look pretty funky and Hope is also experimenting with a funky way to make them by using a bonded, rather than welded, assembly technique, so it can use a better grade of aluminium that doesn’t like welding guns. The building of a Hope HB.160. Design Flat Bar, Full suspension. DEMO BIKE AVAILABLE. Für den Racer super. This standover aspect seems a bit weird on a brand new bike now that 170mm droppers exist as well. Geisterfahrer Sapere aude! Hope HB160 2019 Optional Upgrades Upgrade Item Price Decal Kit Seven colour options, Fork, Shock and Rims £30; Carbon Wheelset Santacruz Reserve 30 rims on Pro4 hubs £1350 – Tuning ammortizzatore: 10 E’ una Mtb da enduro con 160 mm di escursione anteriore e posteriore, con triangolo anteriore in fibra di carbonio 100% Made in Uk! 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Where Hope’s aluminium expertise is etched into the process is in the hollow moulds the carbon fibre sheets are laid into. Tag: Hope HB.160 VIDEO TEST - Hope Hb.160: unica, splendida follia meccanica Cercavate un Mtb da enduro unica nel suo genere con 160 mm di escursione, triangolo anteriore in fibra di carbonio, realizzata in Europa, con componenti e dettagli realizzati al CNC ad un prezzo concorrenziale? 2019. Non c’è mai stata l’idea di diventare un marchio di biciclette, ma piuttosto di avere la soddisfazione di produrre una bici completamente realizzata in casa: era questo il sogno di Ian Weatherill e del compianto Simon Sharp, co-fondatori di Hope. £7,500 is big money, but in the flesh it’s special, and considering it’s a British hand-made carbon frame jammed with one-of-a-kind equipment, the price isn’t out of line with boutique Taiwanese-made carbon bikes elsewhere. Compare. Februar 2004 Punkte für Reaktionen 5.726 Standort Nordbaden. Fermer . Shifters - Sram X01 Eagle - 12spd. taken off the roof rack, snapped the roof lock off, the thief left another bike behind. Sicher, einfach und schnell - greif jetzt zu! x. Measured static, the 340mm BB is normal, but the HB160 rides tighter in the mid stroke, so doesn’t sit in and put feet as low as some other 160mm bikes. Weiter. 131 0 0. Hope might still programme that massive lathe to run for a week and cut the blanks for a longer, slacker 160mm frame in the future, and if it does, I’d love to try the result. You have to tip your hat to that, and to a machine, the likes of which you’ll not see come around everyday. After years of rumours & speculation the Barnoldswick-based company have finally put an end to it all & released the new Hope HB160 – A UK Designed & Manufactured 160mm Travel Carbon Enduro Bike!. – Garanzia sul telaio: 9,5 Le HB 160 colle au terrain et offre un confort génial même dans les pires sections. Il grip non manca veramente mai e sembra di non arrivare mai a fine escursione. We are able to provide Finance Online as well as in store but, being honest, you'd find the whole application process far more satisfying if you fired up your laptop (or desktop PC) and enjoyed the full-and-far-less-fiddly experience. Enjoy. Partager. A full redesign and a carbon option for this much loved trail bike. von nuts. Ma il fatto di realizzare tutto in azienda ha permesso di mantenere dei controlli qualitativi più alti e con tempi di correzione ed elaborazione del prodotto più brevi. Hope – The building of a Hope HB.160. – Impressioni di guida in salita: 8,5 The design (kind of) achieves a similar, wider wheel brace angle to Boost 148, and relies on the hub flanges sitting tight to the brake rotor. La bici è precisissima e l’anteriore è molto solido, anche grazie all’adozione dei cerchi da 35 mm che aiutano la precisione di guida soprattutto con percorsi molto rocciosi. Di serie questo telaio esce con ammortizzatore Fox Float X2 con doppia regolazione sia in estensione che compressione e “Lock”. taken off the roof rack, snapped the roof lock off, the thief left another bike behind. Il grip offerto dalle gomme Maxxis con cerchi da 35 mm è più che abbondante ovunque. Impostando l’ammortizzatore Fox nella modalità Pedal sui tratti off-road si ha quasi sempre il corretto sostegno alla pedalata. bis Fr. The northern brand has swerved anything as traditional as welded steel, or even the aluminium it’s famous for in the bulk of the frame. Favorites. Brayton RAW HB.160 Vtt par 26in le 10 février 2017 We believe every child should be able to enjoy riding the highest quality lightweight bikes that always fit. Hope Your are Rocks! Photo courtesy of Hope Technology - Mtbr.com COMPONENT INTERGRATION Continuing the manufacturing theme, Hope can design and machine whatever components they need for the bike allowing them to integrate many of the parts to the frame. Impostando forcella e ammortizzatore in modalità Pedal, la Hope Hb.160 è una bici più pedalabile ma non per questo più efficace e sicura da guidare nel pedalato. Hope simply didn’t have to comply with any ‘normal’ fitment restraints it didn’t agree with, instead coming up with its own hub width and axle design. – Impressioni di guida in discesa: 9,5 Unit 3, 8 Castleton Road, Hope, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 6RD. The HB160 front end is deliberately left unpainted to show off the quality of the carbon bought in locally, and the lack of filler and resin. iscritta al tribunale di Tivoli (registrazione n° 7/2013) Iscrizione al ROC (Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione) n°23681 del 15/07/2013, Questo sito o gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati utilizzano cookie, anche di terze parti, per inviarti pubblicità e servizi in linea con le tue preferenze.. Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina, cliccando su un link o proseguendo la navigazione in altra maniera, acconsenti all'uso dei cookie. Vi lasciamo a questo breve video introduttivo prima a scoprire ogni dettaglio della Hope Hb.160: 1 – DETTAGLI TECNICI TELAIO Hope-HB160 Read it's strength, weaknesses, find deals and pricing - mtbr.com Hope Technology (IPCO) Ltd. #hopetech #HB160. Quello che hanno dovuto imparare invece è il processo laborioso di tagliare e stendere le fibre di carbonio. Photo courtesy of Hope Technology. Öffnungszeiten . Cookies help us deliver our services. Vidéo de vtt, 21 825 vues Publiée le 21 août 2017 sur Zapiks par 26in. Arndstr.2. It’s worked great on the HB.160 so they’ve continued it on the HB.130. You basically have to accept that not every bike suits everybody, and this is the way we’ve chosen to do it.” The large frame I opted for in France has shorter numbers than I’m used to with 439mm reach, a 65.5-degree head angle and a 1,195mm wheelbase. Bookmark. Sono convinto che con dei cerchi più stretti e delle gomme leggermente meno aggressive migliorerebbe non poco…. Straight off the first lift in Serre Chevalier (and a week riding a 19.5in Trek Slash), the HB160 took some time adjusting to the sizing, but not to the general feel and front to rear balance. Sei la nostra unica speranza! Ma curve in appoggio, salti e compressioni sono quello che fa per lei. 17,50 € * UVP: 17,80 € Artikelnr: 48537; Gewicht: 20g; Additional contact mail (leave blank)* I totally agree to receive nothing* in ca. frank@radsportkimmerle.de. von nuts. – Peso telaio e/o bici: 8 The original HB211 that became the HB.160 was £7500 at its launch back in mid 2017. Our second ride was a totally different kettle of fish – a van uplift to a backcountry descent to Briançon that took in one of the steepest tracks I’ve ever half-ridden, half-scrambled. Wheel Set: Hope tech Pro 4 hubs laced to Hope Tech 35W Rims Via Sapim Spokes. Mentre per quanto riguarda il lato trasmissione così c’è più spazio nella zona intorno al movimento centrale. L’angolo di sterzo da 65,5° con forcella da 160 mm e l’angolo del tubo piantone da 74° permettono una posizione in sella ottimale per pedalare e per scendere. The suspension design is a Horst link 4-bar developed in-house with a very progressive leverage curve that should work with either spring. Easy to pick up and turn, tighter here meant more flow in multiple switchbacks and an ability to scythe through twisty tree-lined paths. Fertig und ab Ende 2017 zu kaufen. Rear Shock - 2019 Fox Factory Float X2 2 Position lever. von nuts. Il carro da 435 mm e la posizione in sella ben centrata aiutano la guida anche sulle pendenze più accentuate. Hope tech hb 160, carbon frame, hope bars and hope stem, hope rims with hope hubs, yellow rear spring shock, ohlins 160mm forks, hope crank and pedals, hope tech brakes. At £5,500, the new RRP of the Hope HB.160 puts a British-made superbike well within the realms of … 2019 Hope Technology HB.160 Base. The long-teased, rarely ridden passion project is finally a reality. These 70mm thick, machined billet slabs fold together and eventually form the HB160’s massive monocoque front triangle. The Hope HB.160 began as an experiment. Chainset - Sram X01 Carbon DUB. En descente, c’est un … 2 - 3 Monaten. 2019. I saliscendi non la impensieriscono e purché siano brevi ed intensi, altrimenti la vocazione prettamente discesistica di questa Mtb vi succhierà un po’ di energie. von nuts. Since 1989, owners Ian Weatherill and Simon Sharp have been pushing the industry forward through designing, testing and manufacturing virtually all products in-house at the factory in Barnoldswick, United Kingdom. The headtube area is noticeably stiff, even compared to other carbon enduro bikes. Travis Engel 3 years ago. BB18 5PX. Hope HB.160 - Behind the Bike by hopetech Add to Favorites Added to Favorites Views: 6,687 Faves: 40 Comments: 2 25. BMC Twostroke AL Two Hardtail MTB Shimano Deore 12S 29'' Black Orange Flake 2021 al miglior prezzo! Mo. Guillaume already touched on the conventional geometry, and explained, “We wanted a lively, manoeuvrable, playful bike and not to go over the top with longer and slacker numbers. At Hope for almost 15 years, French engineer, Guillaume Leon, has steered the engineering side of the project. Built durable like Hope wanted, it’s over 14kg with proper tyres and the chunkiness is noticeable on flatter ground. Ecco come e quando, Ciclismo e ripresa post-Covid: i consigli del medico e del preparatore, Perché mio figlio dovrebbe andare in bici: 5 “lezioni” che il ciclismo può insegnare, Le Pinarello di Pedro Delgado e Miguel Indurain a confronto: guardate che roba…, Siglata una partnership tra Selle Italia e il campione svizzero Fabian Cancellara, Tour Transalp 2021: iscrizioni aperte e nuove regole di cancellazione. The Hope HB 211 started as a concept bike. S’il refroidira les réfractaires aux “standards” particuliers, il ravira les amateurs de technique et de belle mécanique qui adhèrent à la philosophie de Hope, souhaitent rouler sur un vélo d’exception… et qui savent se montrer patients vu le très faible nombre d’exemplaires annoncé ! Se poi la confrontiamo con l’attuale concorrenza alla fine siamo in linea con le altre Mtb da enduro. Now it’s back with a brand new 29er trail bike – does the Hope HB130 pack some proper lead in its pencil? Hope Bike Teile, in perfekter CNC-Frästechnik, in schönsten Eloxialfarben, findest du in größter Auswahl bei r2-bike.com ... HOPE Innenlager Umrüstkit #3 HB auf SRAM DUB Wellen. Small . Whatever blend Hope’s British Cycling boffins are laying, the solid frame’s got a well damped feel and a dull thwack through holes and rocks, without being too rigid, brittle or twangy. United Kingdom . Registered in England and Wales. Enjoy. Yeah, the numbers are a bit short and tall, and the head angle never felt quite as slack as advertised, but somehow that felt like details not to get hung up on, rather than the big picture. XL frame : 10mm off. – Geometria: 9,5 There are unique features like Hope’s thread-together, non-preloaded, BB30 bottom bracket, but it’s the bike’s back end that’ll have those averse to new ‘standards’ coming out in a rash. The long-anticipated and British-built bike from Hope Technology is finally released GBP £0 RRP Skip to view deals Se cercate una Mtb da enduro unica nel suo genere, con prestazioni di alto livello e capace di attirare lo sguardo di tutti (soprattutto dei più esperti), la Hope Hb.160 fa per voi. Even though the bike’s prototype has already raced EWS rounds, forget about Hope’s first effort being just Enduro-specific. The building of a Hope HB.160. Fast jeder Schritt ist zu erkennen. Se a questo aggiungiamo che è facile e divertente da guidare, con spiccate doti discesistiche anche quando si vuole andare molto forte allora il pacchetto per una Mtb da enduro è completo! BB18 5PX. Hope HB.160 – Bike Build. Hope attraverso questo progetto ha potuto spingersi oltre gli standard e le regole di una produzione in serie. 135 0 0. Hope has played Top Trumps with itself and stuck its name on exactly what it wanted to, with as few compromises as it was willing to make. Maybe it’s just the romance of the story that gets under you skin, the uniqueness of the machine and the way it gets on with all the trails pointed at it that sucks you in by the end? Il giunto Horst funziona veramente bene in questa fase soprattutto se pensiamo all’abbinamento con l’ammortizzatore Fox Float X2 Hope Rahmen. Dank der Kombination aus Kinematik und Federbein lässt sich das Hope HB-160 effizient beschleunigen. One outcome of fabricating your own proprietary solutions though is the restriction to only sell the HB160 as a complete bike. Cassette VTT Hope XC Enduro 11 vitesses valutazione 5.0 di 5 di 1. Radsport Kimmerle. Hope HB-160 Carbonbike: Test und Vorstellung des Bikes. von nuts. Il feeling con la guida è stato immediato. This is "Hope HB.160 - Behind the Bike" by hopetech on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Hope Technology is one of the world leaders in engineering bicycle components. Qui viene il bello: la sospensione posteriore è capace di digerire di tutto! 3 – COMPORTAMENTO IN DISCESA Hope launched its first complete mountain bike, the HB160, to a lukewarm reception. The HB.160 also made the move to radially mounted rear brakes since once again, Hope was building everything so they could build a better system. Non è solo una questione di unicità del prodotto, è anche una questione tecnica. The back wheel tracks well over bike park chop and holes when pulling the brakes too. First ride: Hope HB.160 . Hope HB 160 Bike Grün in Medium. Chain - Sram X01 Eagle. We aim for durability, and want to know our stuff is going to survive. 20 Jahre Erfahrung - Riesige Auswahl - Schneller Versand - Trusted Shop und persönliche Beratung. Le idee iniziali riguardavano una struttura in acciaio saldata, ma con il passare degli anni la tecnologia si è spostata verso la fibra di carbonio e allora Hope non poteva rimanere indietro, dedicando a questo materiale una nuova linea di produzione. Unser Sortiment bietet über 50.000 Fahrradprodukte. You’re obviously locked in to a special Hope hub set up, but not necessarily the rims if you wanted to chuck even more money at wheel build choices afterwards. Hope Technology. Non ci sono stati compromessi, anzi… Grazie alle regolazioni dell’ammortizzatore Fox sono riuscito a “cucirmelo” addosso e a renderlo ancora più confortevole anche su braking bumps e impatti più duri. Ho preferito inoltre velocizzare leggermente il ritorno per renderla ancora un po’ più reattiva e pronta sugli impatti ravvicinati. 4; 5; 6; Erste Vorherige 6 von 6 Wechsle zu Seite. Si raggiunge piuttosto facilmente stando in sella e di sporco ne prende davvero poco. This gets baked at various temperature and pressure regimes for a couple of hours, before peeling the two halves to reveal the front end. Tel: +44 (0) 1282 851400 Nei saliscendi bisogna sfruttare al massimo la quantità di moto guadagnata in discesa per portare velocità sul tratto in salita, e vi assicuro che di velocità in discesa ne fa… ? La bicicletta è diventata la mia vita, l'ho vista e continuo a vederla da ogni punto di vista, da meccanico, tester, maestro e "atleta", cercando di trovare sempre nuovi spunti per andare avanti, migliorarmi e per coinvolgervi nell'universo della Mtb e della bici a 360°. “Like the rest of Hope’s products, we weren’t going for the lightest. Unser Testrad. After a morning rattling rocks and hairpins, Hope’s bike had just kind of slipped into the countryside, meshed into me and got on with it. Photo courtesy of Hope Technology - Mtbr.com La realizzazione in casa gli ha permesso di produrre una Mtb da enduro senza compromessi. Il manubrio Hope Carbon da 780 mm offre un braccio di leva adeguato alla mole e al tipo di utilizzo che si può fare di questa Mtb. von nuts. Alzandosi sui pedali la forcella Fox Float 36 RC2 non si può bloccare e quindi tende ad affondare. Please enter your email so we can keep you updated with news, features and the latest offers. Guidandola, sia in salita che in discesa non si percepisce questo peso anzi, la Hope Hb.160 è agile e molto divertente. Hope HB.160 - Behind the Bike - Video Ecco perchè la HB.160 (in visione al Pro-M Store da ieri) è una vera "chicca" costruita interamente a Barnoldswick, UK . Small size 4 sizes (Small to Extra Large) size Extra Large. Wheel Size: 27.5. Speaking of HB.160 pricing, Hope has dropped the cost of entry significantly, something that might have slipped past our radar a bit last year. By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Stefano Chiri, Codice fiscale/Partita Iva: 12248771003 Numero REA: 1361360 | MtbCult è una testata giornalistica After more than a year of testing, Hope is finally selling this new bike (now called the HB.160) in limited numbers. Hope HB.160 UK-made enduro bike at a lower price. Februar 2018. Reviews, ratings, specifications, weight, price and more for the 2018 Hope Technology HB.160 Bike This is "Hope HB.160 - Behind the Bike" by hopetech on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. It’s designed to be as stiff as possible, with any compliance and lateral frame feel the job of the aluminium stays. Le Hope HB.160 n’est donc pas parfait, mais c’est un superbe vélo, exceptionnel dans ses choix techniques mais moins radical au niveau de sa géométrie. Up close, you kind of get the feeling that durability is equally (if not more) important to looks, and if the sound the frame makes when rocks smack it is anything to go by, I’ll stick my neck out and say you’ll still see HB160s going strong in about twenty years time. Groupset: SRAM XX1 w/Hope Crank and Hope 11-44t Cassette. von nuts. Ersteller nuts; Erstellt am 21. 18 Bikes . Bookmark. Forks - 2019 Fox Factory 36 Grip2 160mm Boost. Obviously, diving straight in with full suspension, and that fancy, dangerous-to-work-with carbon stuff nearly everyone else heads to the Far East for is a brave move. The aluminium stays are machined in house and welded locally. Il cambio Sram Xx1 abbinato al pacco pignoni Hope 10-44 è preciso e abbinato alla corona da 30 denti offre un ottimo range di rapporti tra salita e discesa. Il triangolo anteriore è evidentemente ben progettato. This is "Hope HB.160 - Bike Build" by hopetech on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Pinterest Subscribe RSS. Mittwoch Nachmittag geschlossen. Much like a Model-T Ford, the frame can be any color you want as long as it’s black. I 160 mm di escursione hanno un comportamento impeccabile, cioè è molto sensibile all’inizio e con un’ottima progressività sul finale della corsa. Hope are releasing the HB.160 in limited numbers from September 2017 through their key dealers. – Efficienza sospensione posteriore nel pedalato: 8 Dein Bike braucht das! Hope is selling the 160 with Fox, rather than the Ohlins dampers seen on the prototypes, with a Float 36 up front and a X2 out back. Cassette - Sram Eagle X01 XG1295 10-50t. Partager. Si ha la sensazione di essere in sella ad una Mtb di almeno 180 mm e questo infonde sicurezza e fa venire voglia di mollare sempre di più i freni. Full details on the HB.160 and where you can get you mitts on one, head over to the Hope website here. Basically morphing out of co-founders Simon Sharp and Ian Weatherill always fancying a Hope frame to hang their ever-growing parts selection on, the general gist of the bike project is nicely summed up by one of Ian’s apparent favourite expressions; ‘How hard can it be?’ After multiple stalled prototypes ranging from DH rigs to kids bikes, like a lot of things Hope, it hasn’t come that easy or quickly; there was two years graft before anyone outside the firm was invited out to Briançon, France to actually ride this thing.
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