Esercizi gratuiti per imparare l'Inglese: Past perfect or past perfect continuous? Quinto utilizzo è quello della ripetizione con la parola always/sempre. See these pages: Past tense; Verbs in time clauses and conditionals; Wishes and hypotheses; Back Next. Note that each t⦠The examples below show their various uses. Tu stavi solo guardando YouTube quando è arrivata la polizia. Stavi guardando TV quando lui ha chiamato? did you do . ? When expressed in its interrogative form, it is used to ask questions about things that were happening in a past period of time. I had lunch. The preterite is used to talk about completed actions in the past, while the imperfect is used for repeated actions without a defined beginning and end. We can also use the past continuous to refer to the present or future in hypotheses (when we imagine something). Past continuous frasi affermative negative e interrogative. Le frasi negative vengono create con la particella di negazione not. Before talking about the differences between the simple past and past continuous, let's review their verb conjugations. Grammar Board Game Past Continuous 36 squares, each asking about what that person was doing at a specific time (speak for at least 1minute per roll). Put the following sentences into passive voice. Tag questions 15. had you done . The past continuous refers to a "longer" or "background" action that was in progress to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted; The past simple refers to a â shorterâ action that interrupted the longer action, or happened in the middle of it. The ceiling fell down while. Were you listening while the teacher was explaining? All the students were listening to the professor's lecture very carefully. Past continuous is used to show an action that was continuing in the past until another action interrupted it. Why were they picking the flowers?? Going to (futuro) 11. Past continuous e Past simple 4 Segna ( ) le frasi corrette. You went to the market three times yesterday. We didnât go out because it was raining. / 8. A few minutes ago, they were still dancing. Quando sono entrato nell’ufficio alcuni impiegati erano occupati scrivendo, altri stavano parlando al telefono. Let's take a look at some more examples: Present Continuous Passive - 'My car is being fixed.' Check out this article to review irregular preterite verbs, and this one for imperfect verbs. : Il past continuous descrive un'azione che era in corso di svolgimento in un momento definito del passato e viene utilizzato soprattutto nei seguenti due casi: 1) In frasi che descrivono due azioni passate, una che inizia e finisce nel passato (past simple) e una che continua nel passato (past continuous). When I called her, she was studying. The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and were still going on when another event occurred. I was only playing tennis when you showed up. The imperfect progressive tense is formed by combining the imperfect tense of estar(to be) with a gerund. Continuous: HAD BEEN + V-ing An action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past ( had been living, had been singing â¦). She was going to class when she saw Maria. Ciò significa che in inglese, noi spesso andremo ad utilizzare una serie di azioni parallele per descrivere l’atmosfera creatasi in un particolare momento trascorso. Sono corrette? Oppure per dimostrare che due azioni in corso si stavano svolgendo contemporaneamente. Wrong! Loro stavano bevendo vino, parlando della loro vacanza e divertendosi. Past Continuous Passive - 'The bridge was being painted by the workers.' Subject + Was/Were + Verb + ING. "The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. When the accident happened. In Spanish, the past continuous or past progressive is used to talk about continuous actions in the past, especially when they are interrupted by another action. âWhen I shouted stop, you were polishing your fingernails on your shirt to show how proud you areâ. While the police officer was talking to me. IERI ALLE 3 STAVO DORMENDO / DORMIVO. It rained when we left the apartment, so we took the umbrella. Present perfect continuous or Present perfect simple 5. HOWEVER; Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued to happen after another action or time in the past. A2 Grammar topics. In English, there is only one simple past tense, but in Spanish there are two: the preterite and the imperfect. This tense describes actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past. What ..... at 11 pm last night? Log in or register to post comments; Comments. Past Continuous Examples: I was sleeping. Past Continuous Uses. / 9. Similar to the imperfect, the imperfect progressive is used to talk about ongoing actions in the past. Quando il telefono squillò, lui stava scrivendo una lettera. The continuous past is a verbal time similar to the gerund in spanish and that allows to express actions of the past that happened in a certain moment. State Verbs. / 2. L’interruzione è di norma fatta da un’azione più breve espressa con il passato semplice. Una nota importante per distinguere i due tempi verbali è la seguente: nel passato semplice un momento specifico viene usato per indicare quando un’azione è cominciato o quando è finita. Carol was being at my home when you arrived. repeated actions without a defined beginning and end. PAST CONTINUOUS: completa le frasi usando i finali corretti. They were drinking wine, discussing their holiday and having good time. 3 While I was doing my homework, I listen to some music.Why 4 The participant was answering a question when the show ended. Le proposizioni sono gruppi di parole che hanno un significato ma spesso non sono delle frasi complete. She was always coming to work late. Kathy was injuring her knee when we played tennis on Saturday. 11. Who ..... you that watch? They were expecting a guest.. 2. Esprime l’idea che qualcosa di irritante o di scioccante stesse succedendo spesso nel passato. Some stative verbs can be used as action verbs so there are some exceptions. Corretto! past continuous tense . Note that each tense has one set of endings for -ar verbs, and another for -er and -ir verbs. past continuous : past simple : At 8am yesterday I was working. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service. 2 We watched TV when the phone rang. The Past Continuous is used when we talk about something which was happening at a special time in the past. Il capo gridava direttive e i clienti aspettavano di essere aiutati. The table below shows how to conjugate the verbs caminar(to walk) and correr(to run) in both the preterite and imperfect. He was drinking beer when he suddenly feltsick. Il Past Continuous si forma usando was/were + il participio presente. It is used: Often, to describe the background in a story written in the past tense, e.g. Were you watching TV when he called? You were not watching TV when he called. Ieri alle 13, ho pranzato. Past Continuous. With a modal verb: Wh- question word + modal verb (past form) + subject + verb + â¦? When you ⦠/ 6. Anna (sleep) at two o'clock. / 4. . Past continuous Si usa per parlare di unâazione passata nel suo svolgimento. He was constantly talking with everyone. Questo è un argomento di Grammatica Inglese principale e importante che viene studiato molto in tutti i corsi di inglese. Both are formed by subtracting the infinitive ending (-ar, -er or -ir), and replacing it with another. / 3. (In such sentences, Past Perfect Continuous Tense tell us âhow long the action had continuedâ or â the duration of the actionâ is ⦠I lived in Miami, Florida. I had lived in New York City before. The bird attacked me while. It is also called the Past Progressive. Comunque, possiamo anche usare un tempo specifico come interruzione. Stavo ascoltando il mio iPod, quindi non ho sentito il campanello. Past continuous 7. In this article, we will focus on the difference between the simple past tenses (preterite and imperfect) and the past continuous tense (imperfect progressive). Past continuous and Past simple 4 Segna ( ) le frasi corrette. Carol was at my home when you arrived. I was singing while he was playing the guitar. * Remember: this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time! Lâenfasi è posta sullâazione, su ciò che stava succedendo in un determinato momento o periodo. Past perfect simple 8. 6. // 4. The past continuous tense is used to refer to actions that were in progress at or around a specific point in time in the past. 5 When they saw her, she was crying. I was having lunch. // 2. In inglese usiamo quindi il Past Continuous per indicare che un’azione nel passato che durava più a lungo fosse stata interrotta. I was riding a bicycle. past continuous - progressive esercizi di inglese esercizi present simple e continuous past simple vs past continuous past perfect present perfect. How can we make the past continuous? Terzo utilizzo è quello delle azioni parallele. Past Continuous Mimes. Per chi vuole consultare il Past Simple. 1. actions were in progress around a time in the past. You were just wathing YouTube when the police came. In the past tense (both simple and continuous), we use the past forms of the auxiliary and modal verbs. Correct! LearnEnglish Subscription: self-access courses for professionals. The short action in past simple often interrupts the longer action in past continuous. Ricordiamo che si può trattare sia di un’interruzione reale, sia di un’interruzione nel tempo. The past continuous is used to talk about actions or situations that were in progress at a particular point of time in the past. Le ⦠( had lived, had sung â¦). My team was losing the match when. Non corretto! Carola era a casa mia quando tu sei arrivata. was giving . In Spanish, there are two simple past tenses: the preterite and the imperfect. The structure of wh- questions in past form is: With an auxiliary verb: Wh- question word + auxiliary verb (past form) + subject + verb +â¦? 1 When Mia arrived home, I was making dinner. 10. In Spanish, there are two simple past tenses: the preterite and the imperfect. She was studying in the library when the fire drill started. Firstly, check that you know how to make the past simple with 'be' (subject + was / were). / 5. She took a photo as we were getting out of the bus. The women were cleaning all the blinds. Simple: HAD + past participle An action occurred before another action in the past. Mentre facevamo un picnic, ha cominciato a piovere. When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones. English Exercises Present Simple Be Affirmative And Negative Exercises present simple and present continuous i. The imperfect progressive cannot be used for descriptions, states of being, conditions, age, time or habitual actions. Irregular verbs do not follow the same rules. Click here for more information on the distinction between the preterite and imperfect tenses. La regola in questi casi prevede che dobbiamo sempre mettere le parole always e constantly tra il verbo “be” e “verbo+ing”. Stavo guardando un film quando lui è tornato a casa. Then just add verb-ing. Present Continuous Passive - 'The meeting is being held in my office.' Altre proposizioni cominciano con while/mentre come while I was eating/mentre stavo mangiando e while he was sleeping/mentre lui stava dormendo. Esercizi su past simple vs continuous e sulle differenze tra il past simple e il past continuous (progressive) en la biblioteca cuando empezó el simulacro de incendio. 6 Dan was sleeping when the film was finishing. 5 When they saw her, she was crying. // 3. The past continuous is often used together with the simple past to show that one thing happened while another thing was in progress: 1. In inglese il Past Continuous, chiamato anche Past Progressive. 1 When Mia arrived home, I was making dinner. There are so many different verb tenses that we use to talk about the past in Spanish. 4. I was driving near my house when. When the phone rang, he was writing a letter. They were watching the newest videos.. 5. Who was taking care of the baby?? Cosa stavi facendo quando ti sei rotto la gamba? This tense is most similar to the imperfect, but places even more emphasis on the ongoing nature of an action. The past continuous (or progressive) is the tense used to express situations that take place in the past and were in progress at any moment during a period of time. ¡Cuidado!(Careful!) 2 We watched TV when the phone rang. When the phone rang during Bill's dinner, he was anwering the phone. Past Continuous Structure. Present continuous 3. Stavo studiando quando lei ha chiamato. 4. Have / have got 12. Quarto utilizzo è quello che da idea dell’atmosfera. Ieri alle 13 stavo pranzando. The past continuous and continuous forms, in general, are used with action verbs such as talk, drive, play, etc. The continuous form is not used with stative verbs such as 'be', 'seem', 'taste', etc. La note passata, alle 10, stavo cenando. I was watching a movie when he arrived home. Past Continuous Passive - 'My car was being fixed.' Nel primo utilizzo, descritto appena sopra, il Past Continuous è interrotto da un’azione più breve espressa con il passato semplice. Ricordiamo inoltre che in inglese i così detti verbi non-continui, e cioè verbi che non esprimono delle azioni continue, non possono essere usati con nessun tempo verbale continuo. English Phrases â Past Continuous Esercizio di grammatica inglese: traduzione e formulazioni di frasi in inglese con lâutilizzo del Past Continuous 1) I was thinking of you yesterday. 3 While I was doing my homework, I listen to some music.Why 4 The participant was answering a question when the show ended. Were they painting the room when the accident happened? It is more commonly used to emphasize the continual nature of an action, especially if it is interrupted by another action. Tu non stavi guardando TV quando lui ha chiamato. YESTERDAY AT 3 Oâ CLOCK I WAS SLEEPING. Print in b/w; or color for projectors or laminated prints. Questo concetto è molto simile all’espressione used to/abituato a, ma ha una connotazione negativa. were you doing . (past continuous) 1. Stavo solo giocando a tennis quando sei comparso.
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