Twice within the space of five months the bianconeri faced Liverpool, firstly in Turin to contest the European Super Cup then in … versandfertig in 6 Tagen. Country: England ## England Italy ; Worldwide; Europe ... Juventus warm-up for their Champions League clash against Barcelona with a Serie A home tie against Hellas Verona on Sunday, trying to close the gap on leaders AC Milan.... more » 22.10.2020 16:19. Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. 59,95 EUR. Rossi also top-scored with six goals as Juventus reached the 1983 European Cup final, where they lost to Hamburg. € 59,95 sofort verfügbar. Questa voce raccoglie le informazioni riguardanti la Juventus Football Club nelle competizioni ufficiali della stagione 1983-1984. 8:28. versandfertig in 6 Tagen. Copa Juventus Turin 1983/84 Short Sleeve Away Retro Shirt. 1900 First competition match (Third Federal Championship, against Torinese). The Bianconeri had an extraordinary season back then, culminating in the conquest of the 21st Championship of Italy and the victory of the prestigious Cup of Cups. 59,95 EUR . JUVENTUS 1983 SS AWAY RETRO JERSEY . Spielzeit in der höchsten italienischen Fußball-Spielklasse der Herren. Fanartikel Juventus Turin Juventus FC 1983 - 84 Away Coppa delle Coppe UEFA Short Sleeve Retro Shirt. Juventus FC timeline. versandfertig in 6 Tagen. Win this official ball used by Juventus FC during a 1983/84 season match. Juventus v Man Utd European cup winners cup semi final 2nd leg Hurra magazine played in Turin Italy on 25/4/1984. Soutěžní ročník Serie A 1983/84 byl 82. ročník nejvyšší italské fotbalové ligy a 52. ročník od založení Serie A.Soutěž začala 11. září 1983 a skončila 13. května 1984. Juventus became the first team to win all three competitions organised by the UEFA: the 1976–77 UEFA Cup, the 1983–84 Cup Winners' Cup and the 1984–85 European Champions' Cup. ... 1983–84. Pohár vítězů pohárů 1983/84 Juventus FC Stefano Tacconi, Antonio Cabrini, Claudio Gentile, Sergio Brio, Gaetano Scirea, Massimo Bonini, Michel Platini, Benjamino Vignola, Marco Tardelli, Paolo Rossi, Zbigniew Boniek, Nicola Caricola Trenér: Giovanni Trapattoni Add the official printing with the names and numbers of Juve stars like RONALDO 7, DYBALA 10 etc. Land: Deutschland . Michel Platini, France’s captain, scored 20 goals in 28 games as Juve won the 1983-84 scudetto. versandfertig in 6 Tagen. They had not won the English League title in more than 15 years but were capable of good cup runs. !...stupenda davvero! 12/9/1983 … 1983–84 →. Sports > List > Football > Resources > Lists > Winners > Serie A. Italian Serie A Winners List. Land: Deutschland . Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Copa Juventus Turin Retro Trikot 1983/84 Auswärts NEU 105469 bei eBay. Juventus F.C. Thanks to a modest fifth placed Serie A finish this year, the focus of the 1984-85 season would be all about European competition for Juventus. Spettatori ed Incassi dal 1962-63 al 2000-01, Attendance Statistics of Serie A – 1974-75 to 1985-86, Platini: «Contro l'Inter non si può più sbagliare», Intanto in Coppa la Juve ritrova una piccola Roma,, Stagioni delle squadre di calcio campioni d'Italia, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Massaggiatori: Luciano De Maria e Valerio Remino. Via Druento, 175 10151 Torino - Italia; CONTACT CENTER (+39) Bettega served Juventus for almost all his career - between 1969 and 1983, and if he didn’t serve Varese on loan in 1969-70 and did not play for Toronto Blizzard in 1983-84 season, we could say he actually had served Juventus for all his career. However, Rossi's final game for Juventus was marked by tragedy. Nonostante queste due importanti defezioni, il club sabaudo poté far leva sul talento e sulle giocate di una coppia offensiva Boniek-Platini ormai sempre più rodata, tornando così alla vittoria del campionato italiano. The official printing provider Deko Graphics provides the customization in accordance with the design of the Juventus jerseys. Italian Cup 1983/84 Matches Played, Italian Cup 1983/84 Matches Played Juventus, Italian Cup 1983/84 Matches Played Juve Als Aufsteiger kamen der AC Mailand, Lazio Rom und Catania Calcio aus der Serie B dazu. Nell'estate 1983 lasciarono la Juventus due bandiere del precedente decennio come Zoff e Bettega: il primo, all'età di quarantuno anni, chiuse definitivamente la sua lunga e plurivittoriosa carriera entrando nei ranghi della società come preparatore dei portieri, mentre il secondo scelse di trascorrere in Canada, ai Toronto Blizzard, il suo ultimo anno da calciatore. Die Serie A 1983/84 war die 52. Juventus » Kader 1982/1983. versandfertig in 6 Tagen. 1983/84, (Juventus), Juventus - Udinese 3-2 (27) Allan Rodgers. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Shirt worn match worn shirt Juventus 1983-84 Cabrini at the best online prices at eBay! Frankengasse 6 8001 Zürich - Schweiz Tel. 02.11.1983 - 1983-1984 UEFA Cup Winners' Cup 2nd Round 2nd Leg Juventus 0-0 Paris Saint-Germain Twittern ## Deutschland Italien ; Weltweit; Europa ... Der neue Cheftrainer Andrea Pirlo muss beim italienischen Fußballmeister Juventus Turin drei Monate ohne Matthijs de Ligt auskommen.... mehr » 12.08.2020 11:10. Warenkorb leer »Zum Angebot. Medien: Khedira wehrt sich gegen Vertragsauflösung. Informationen über den Juventus Turin aus der Saison Serie A-1983/1984. Retrocessero in B: Genoa, Pisa e Catania. Copa Juventus Turin 1976/77 Short Sleeve Away Retro Shirt. Lo sponsor tecnico per la stagione 1983-1984 fu Kappa, mentre lo sponsor ufficiale fu Ariston. Fanartikel Juventus Turin Juventus FC 1984 - 85 Short Sleeve Retro Shirt. Ausserdem ist das Trikot als Hingucker, ausgefallenes Geschenk oder als kreative Idee rund ums Gestalten super geeignet. Die Coppa Italia 1983/84, den Fußball-Pokalwettbewerb für Vereinsmannschaften in Italien der Saison 1983/84, gewann die AS Rom. Platini had joined the club in 1982 from Saint-Etienne and went on to win the Ballon d’Or in 1983 and 1984. The 1983–84 season of the European Cup Winners' Cup was won by Juventus in a final against Porto. Suche. The 1983–84 season of the European Cup Winners' Cup was won by Juventus in a final against Porto. The club is the most successful team in the history of Italian football. +41 (0) 44 252 79 82 → Karte. Spieltag) Die Roma traf im Finale auf Hellas Verona und konnte die Coppa Italia zum fünften Mal gewinnen. A corollario del successo tricolore, Le Roi Platini vinse per la seconda volta consecutiva la classifica marcatori del torneo, con 20 reti, superando di una lunghezza il brasiliano Zico dell'Udinese. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Das Juventus Turin Retro Shirt im coolen Look von 1983/84 ist besonders angenehm zu tragen und spiegelt auf einzigartige Weise den Charme einer vergangenen Fußballära wieder. sticker calciatori 1983/84 panini. 1905 Winning Serie A for the first time. Juventus F.C. ab 22,00 EUR. Juventus 1983-84 home shirt by Kappa with great vintage design as worn during the season when the side won the Serie A title and claimed a Double by triumphing in the UEFA Cup Winners Cup with victory over FC Porto in the Final. Another hugely successful season for Giovanni Trapattoni’s team who recovered in some style from the disappointment of losing the previous season’s European Cup Final. Funny Video. Drei Monate Quarantäne für Serie-A-Stars? The English side Manchester United were managed by Ron Atkinson. La Coppa Italia vide invece i piemontesi uscire agli ottavi per mano della rivelazione Bari, formazione di Serie C1 poi sorprendente semifinalista dell'edizione.[6]. In seguito vinse lo scudetto a quota 43, con 2 punti in pi della Roma. - Art. Informationen zum Verein Juventus Turin (Juventus Turin). 1983 First Cup Winners' Cup title. Excellent clean condition with no major faults. From 1970, Juventus had won eight league titles versus two for Inter and one for AC Milan. Dopo un'iniziale corsa a tre coi campioni uscenti della Roma e con l'outsider Verona, nel girone di ritorno i bianconeri seppero allungare in testa alla graduatoria lasciandosi dietro le inseguitrici, vincendo abbastanza agevolmente il ventunesimo scudetto della loro storia; la matematica certezza del titolo giunse con un turno di anticipo, grazie a un pareggio interno contro l'Avellino che portò a quattro i punti di vantaggio sui giallorossi. Here are the winners from each season in the top level football league in Italy, the Serie A. 59,95 EUR. 1977 First UEFA Cup title. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality. Historical statistics: Seasons, Squads, Players, Managers, Matches #121 new near mint rare. The next year, the club went on to complete a full complement … They also reached won the Coppa Italia and reached the final of the European Cup . copa Herren Juventus FC 1983-84 Away Football Coppa Delle Coppe UEFA Retro Fußball Kragen T-Shirt, gelb, M: Homeshopping leicht gemacht - Online shoppen und mit wenig Aufwand das große Angebot bei und Onlineangebote finden Twittern ## Deutschland Italien ; Weltweit; Europa; Südamerika; Afrika; Nord-/Mittelamerika ... Wie ihr Klub, der italienische Rekordmeister Juventus Turin, am Mittwoch mitteilte, seien zwei erneute Tests bei beiden Spielern negativ ausgefallen.... mehr » 15.04.2020 10:17. copa Herren Juventus Fc 1983-84 Away Football Coppa Delle Coppe UEFA Retro Fußball Kragen T-Shirt: Sport & Freizeit Monday to Friday (10 am – 8 pm) and Saturday (10 am – 2 pm), excluding holidays. Europapokal der Pokalsieger 1983/84, Finale Away colours. Tore, Vorlagen und weitere Statistiken aller Spieler von Juventus Turin. Aufstellung Juventus Turin - Calcio Catania 2:0 (Serie A 1983/1984, 24. Juventus were a mature, star-studded team in 1984. XXL. Juventus won the 1983 Coppa Italia, the 1983-84 Serie A title and UEFA Cup Winners' Cup and the 1984 UEFA Super Cup. Juventus FC (21. vítězství) Sestupující: Janov 1893 Pisa SC Calcio Catania ← 1982/83: 1984/85 → Soutěžní ročník Serie A 1983/84 byl 82. ročník nejvyšší italsk é fotbalové ligy a 52. ročník od založení Serie A. Soutěž začala 11. září 1983 a skončila 13. května 1984. Classe, eleganza e precisione: la splendida doppietta di #GaetanoScirea. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Juventus; 1983–84 season; President: Giampiero Boniperti: Head Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni: Stadium: Stadio Communale: Serie A: 1st: Coppa Italia: Round of 16: European Cup Winners' Cup: Champions: Top goalscorer: League: Michel Platini (20) All: Michel Platini (25) Free shipping for many products! The next year, the club went on to complete a full complement of European trophies with the European Cup. He was the captain of the Bianchoneri’s golden generation in the 80s.With Juventus he won 7 scudetto (1974–75, 1976–77, 1977–78, 1980–81, 1981–82, 1983–84, 1985–86) and the infamous 1985 European Championship at the Heysel Stadium.He died tragically in a car accident in 1989 at the age of 36!. Rossi won the Serie A title on two occasions with Juventus in 1981-82 and 1983-84, and also lifted the European Cup with Old Lady in 1984-85.
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